Thursday, March 24, 2011

Me dispiace

This is fairly embarrassing. I could sit here and come up with a few excuses of why I have been neglecting this blog. But instead I am going to promise a reform. I want to share parts of my life here with those of you who care enough to read this, all of about 2 people I would guess.

To kick off this new beginning, here are a few things that have happened since I last updated this thing:
-we were hit by eggs thrown from a moving vehicle filled with screaming Italian teenagers.
-I received a cuddly new best friend in the mail.
-seven of us completed task #1.
-we attempted karaoke and were embarrassed to find out it was actually Italian Idol.
-I visited 3 new countries.
-my mom booked a trip to come visit me in April!!
-the U.S. started bombing Libya and there are missiles in the Mediterranean?!
-I attempted the Rome marathon.
-I ate way too much Nutella.

I can't continue with this blog without revisiting the time I spent in London, Istanbul, and Santornini. One a day, starting tomorrow. Pinky promise.

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