Thursday, January 20, 2011

wanted: my suitcase

I made it to Sicily! Although I am 63 pounds lighter than I started out because they lost my suitcase. At least I have a toothbrush and underwear. Just kidding about the underwear. Ew! I know, it's a problem. Hopefully it will be found and delivered in the next 24 hours.

The nerves finally hit yesterday morning (wait, what day is it?) as my mom drove me to LAX. Luckily they didn't last long and as I sat listening to Tyrone and Florence and reading letters from my family and friends that I saved for my flight from Rome to Catania, the beauty and blessing overcame the nerves.

Now I am waiting at MCAS (my new school) for my roomates to arrive so we can move into our apartment and start our life together. While I'm sitting here let's check out some of the different characters this keyboard has to offer......ò ç ° à § è é £ €.....Just the start of things to get used to in Italy and I couldn't be more excited.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you! Glad you arrived safely and hope your suitcase follows! :) Good luck !
