Wednesday, January 26, 2011

puffy jackets and proscuitto

My suitcase finally came yesterday and I welcomed it with a hug and an empty set of drawers. Thank you to all the people gave me clothes to borrow before I even knew you. But let me tell you, I felt like I had a whole new wardrobe this morning. So many clothes to choose from! Luckily (what??) it is layer weather outside. Not to mention in our apartment.

One of my favorite memories about visiting Paris a few years ago was that it lived up to the hype and my hyped expectations. Sicily is the same way. It is everything I needed it to be.

Some observations:
  • Shop owners on the island love to give American students free food--cheese, vino, bread, lemons. This morning at the open air market we were invited into our favorite cheese shop for "breakfast" consisting of sandwiches made from all the freshest ingredients and tiny cups of red wine.
  • The ground is terribly uneven yet Italian women manage to look comfortable strolling around in shiny black stilettos.
  • Siesta time is from 1-4 and I don't hate it.
  • A warm shower has become a celebration.
  • American music has definitely made it's way over as evidenced by the 6 year old boy I heard playing on the street one day singing "baby, baby, baby OH!" and Norah Jones serenading us from the radio at the restaurant where we ate the first night.
  • Italian's clap but don't cheer. My housemate Melissa and I learned this the hard way at the festival for St. Sebastian when the fireworks stopped and our yells were the only ones to be heard above the clapping.
  • It is perfectly acceptable to stare. A lot.
So feel free to stare at these snapshots of the first week...

View of mainland Sicily from Ortigia

Temple of Apollo in the center of town

Ladies of Mario Minitti (street, not man)

Ortigia and the Mediterranean

Fresh produce everyday

He said "cheese"

View from our apartment's terrace

Festival for St. Sebastian

Fireworks for St. Sebastian

A few of us students with our fearless leader Ramzi

Thursday, January 20, 2011

wanted: my suitcase

I made it to Sicily! Although I am 63 pounds lighter than I started out because they lost my suitcase. At least I have a toothbrush and underwear. Just kidding about the underwear. Ew! I know, it's a problem. Hopefully it will be found and delivered in the next 24 hours.

The nerves finally hit yesterday morning (wait, what day is it?) as my mom drove me to LAX. Luckily they didn't last long and as I sat listening to Tyrone and Florence and reading letters from my family and friends that I saved for my flight from Rome to Catania, the beauty and blessing overcame the nerves.

Now I am waiting at MCAS (my new school) for my roomates to arrive so we can move into our apartment and start our life together. While I'm sitting here let's check out some of the different characters this keyboard has to offer......ò ç ° à § è é £ €.....Just the start of things to get used to in Italy and I couldn't be more excited.

Monday, January 10, 2011


"Sicily is one of the great enigmas, and island of incomparable beauty and cultural wealth...a society rich in ambiguity and an island almost unmatched for the myriad pleasures of its art and architecture food, wine, landscapes, and outdoor activities."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

10 days

Ten days from today my personal Amazing Race (take one) will begin. The little details are coming into place and my suitcase is already looking heavy. I am trying to keep my mind open, ready to be filled. This blog is just one more way to keep in contact and share my stories with those I wish I could take with me.