Thursday, February 10, 2011


Here is a taste of what we have been doing in Italian class, namely learning to rap like Fabri Fibra. Cornflakes anyone?

Unfortunately the Internet that we have “borrowing” is no longer available so I haven’t been able to go online much in the last few days. Last Friday we took a field-trip to Catania which is one of the larger cities on the island of Sicily. We should have known the trip was doomed from the start considering most of us were running on about 2.5 hours of sleep after celebrating Abby’s 21st the night before. I wish I could tell you what we learned, or even the places we toured but I absorbed virtually nothing on the 5 hour tour. We passed the time dropping water bottles on the ground and discussing creative ways to end the pain. I also had my first hostel experience complete with a roaring train directly outside our window and a very suspicious stain that made Brooke and I move our bunk away from the wall. Catania made Ortigia seem like home in a whole new way.

More news to report: I was peer pressured into registering to run the Rome Marathon in May. Note: run is a very loose term. Before you start to tell me how crazy I am you have to know that we get a medal with our name engraved on it. Yeah, I know.

Happy 21st Abby!

Melissa, Kyle, Me and Rob

Lauren, Me and Melissa in front of Teatro Romano in Catania

Teatro Romano
